Cookiecutter Shark Bibliography

Balzas, George H. 1993. Shark Attacks in Hawai’i. pp 89-115 In Leighton Taylor, Sharks of Hawai’i: Their Biology and Cultural Significance. Univerity of Hawaii Press, Honolulu.

Bass, A.J., J.D. D’Aubrey, and N. Kistnasamy. 1976. Sharks of the East Coast of Southern Africa. VI. The Families Oxynotidae, Squalidae, Dalatiidae and Echinorhinidae. Oceanogr. Res. Inst. Invest. Rep. 45: 44-46.

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Gallo-Reynoso, Juan-Pablo, and Ana-Luisa Figeroa-Carranza. 1992. A Cookiecutter Shark Wound on a Guadalupe Fur Seal Male. Mar. Mam. Sci., 8(4): 428-430.

Gasparini, João Luiz, and Ivan Sazima. 1996. A Stranded Melon-Headed Whale, Peponocephala electra, in Southeastern Brazil, with Comments on Wounds from the Cookiecutter Shark, Isistius brasiliensis. Mar. Mam. Sci., 12(2): 308-312.

Hiruki, Lisa M., William G. Gilmartin, Brenda L. Becker, and Ian Sterling. 1993. Wounding in Hawaiian Monk Seals (Monachus schauinslandi). Can. J. Zool., 71: 458-468.

Jahn, Andrew E., and Richard L. Haedrich. 1987. Notes on the Pelagic Squaloid Shark Isistius brasiliensis. Biol. Oceanogr., 5: 297-309.

Johnson, C. Scott. 1978. Sea Creatures and the Problem of Equipment Damage. U.S. Nav. Inst. Proc., August 1978: 106-107.

Jones, Everet C. 1971. Isistius brasiliensis, a Squaloid Shark, the Probable Cause of Crater Wounds on Fishes and Cetaceans. Fish. Bull., 69(4): 791-798.

King, Joseph E., and Isaac I. Ikehara. 1956. Some Unusual Fishes from the Central Pacific. Pac. Sci., 10(1): 17-24.

Krefft, G. 1980. Results of the Research Cruises of FRV “Walther Herwig: to South America. LIII. Sharks from the Pelagic Trawl catches Obtained During Atlantic Transects, Including Some Specimens from Other Cruises. Arch. Fisch Wiss., 30(1): 1-16.

Le Boeuf, Burney J., John E. McCosker, and John Hewitt. 1987. Crater Wounds on Northern Elephant Seals: the Cookiecutter Shark Strikes Again. Fish. Bull., 85(2): 387-392.

Milius, S. 1998. Glow-in-the-Dark Shark Has Killer Smudge. Sci. News, 154 [August 1, 1998]: 70.

Morris, R.J. 1983. The Sterol Composition of Some Shark Livers. J. Mar. Biol. Assn. U.K., 63: 295-299.

Muñoz-Chápuli, R., J.C. Rey Salgado, and J.M. de la Serna. 1988. Biogeography of Isistius brasiliensis in the North-Eastern Atlantic, Inferred from Crater Wounds on Swordfish (Xiphias gladius). J. Mar. Biol. Assn. U.K., 68: 315-321.

Myagkov, N.A. 1988. External Structure of the Cephalic Brain of the Pelagic Shark, Squaliolus laticaudus. J. Ichthyol., 27(6): 125-127.

Nakano, Hideki, and Kazuya Nagasawa. 1996. Distribution of Pelagic Elasmobranchs Caught by salmon Gillnets in the North Pacific. Fish. Sci., 62(5): 860-865.

Nakano, Hideki, and Makoto Tabuchi. 1990. Occurrence of the Coiokiecutter Shark Isistius brasiliensis in Surface waters of the North Pacific Ocean. Jap. J. Ichthyol., 37(1): 60-63.

Norris, Kenneth S., and Thomas P. Dohl. 1980. Behavior of the Hawaiian Spinner Dolphin, Stenella longirostris. Fish. Bull., 77(4): 821-849.

Parin, N.V. 1966. data on the Biology and Distribution of the Pelagic Sharks Euprotomicrus bispinatus and Isistius brasiliensis (Squalidae, Pisces). Tr. Inst. Okeanol., 73: 173-195.

Reddacliff, Gary. 1988. Crater Wounds in Marine Mammals. pp 133-134 In Michael L. Augee (ed.) Marine Mammals of Australasia: Field Biology and Captive Management. Royal Society of New South Wales, Sydney.

Reif, Wolf-Ernst. 1985. Functions of Scales and Photophores in Mesopelagic Luminescent Sharks. Acta Zool., 66(2): 111-118.

Seigel, Jeffrey Alan. 1978. Revision of the Dalatiid Shark Genus Squaliolus: Anatomy, Systematics, Ecology. Copeia, 1978(4): 602-614.

Shirai, Shigeru, and Kazuhiro Nakaya. 1992. Functional Morphology of Feeding Apparatus of the Cookie-Cutter Shark, Isistius brasiliensis (Elasmobranchii, Dalatiinae). Zool. Sci., 9(4): 811-821.

Strasburg, Donald W. 1963. The Diet and Dentition of Isistius brasiliensis, with Remarks on Tooth Replacement in Other Sharks. Copeia, 1963(1): 33-40.

van Utrecht, W.L. 1959. Wounds and Scars in the Skin of the Common Porpoise, Phocaena phocaena (L.). Mammalia, 23: 100-122.

Widder, Edith A. 1998. A Predatory Use of Counterillumination by the Squaloid Shark, Isistius brasiliensis. Envir. Biol. Fishes, 53: 267-273.


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