Scientific Publications by ReefQuest Centre Staff
Papers in Print
R.A. 2004.
Northerly distribution of White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in
the eastern Pacific and its Relation to ENSO Events. Marine Fisheries Review,
66(1): 16-26.
R.A. 2004.
Evolution and zoogeography of freshwater elasmobranchs. Presented at August
2004 International Congress on the Biology of Fish, Manaus, Brazil, and
extended abstract published in Symposium Proceedings.
R.A. 2004.
Natural mortality of the puffadder shyshark (Haploblepharus edwardsii)
due to two species of marine tetrapod, the Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus
pusillus pusillus) and black-backed kelp gull (Larus dominicanus
vetula) at Seal Island, False Bay, South Africa. Journal of Fish
Biology, 64: 1-6.
R.A. 2005. Conservation of freshwater and euryhaline
elasmobranchs. Journal
of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom,
85: 1049-1073.
Martin, R.A., N.
Hammerschlag, R.S. Collier, and C. Fallows. 2005. Predatory behaviour of White Sharks (Carcharodon
carcharias) at Seal Island, South Africa. Journal
of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 85:
R.A., and C.
Harvey-Clark. 2004. Threatened Fishes of the World: Cetorhinus maximus
(Gunnerus, 1765) (Cetorhinidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes,
70(1): 122.
R.A., and J.
Treberg. 2002. Biology of Deep-Sea Sharks: a Review. Presented at July 2002
International Congress on the Biology of Fish, Vancouver, Canada, and
extended abstract published in Symposium Proceedings.
J.R., R.A.
Martin, and W. Driedzek. 2003. Muscle enzyme activity in the deep sea Black
Dogfish (Centroscyllium fabricii) compared with that in its
shallow-living relative the Spiny Dogfish (Squalus acanthias).
Journal of Experimental Zoology, 300A(2): 133-139.
S.G. and R.A.
Martin. 2004. Body markings of the whale shark: vestigial or functional?
Western Australian Naturalist, 124(2): 118-134.
Papers in Press
Martin, R.A., and S. Rekdal. In press. "Hedgehog": a novel defensive posture in juvenile starry skates, Amblyraja radiata. Journal of Fish Biology.
Martin, R.A. & S. Wallace. In press. Status of the White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) in Canada. Canadian Field Naturalist.
Martin, R.A. In Press. Behavioural Ecology of Whale Sharks (Rhincodon typus): Research Opportunities and Implications for Ecotourism Management. Fisheries Research.
Papers in Preparation
Dosay, M., M. Shivji, R.A. Martin, and M.J. Stanhope. In prep. A Molecular Phylogenetic Perspective on the Possible Paraphyly of the Shark Genus Carcharhinus. [Presented at the 6th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Durban, South Africa, March 2001. Paper slated for Journal of Molecular Evolution.]
Fallows, C., R.A. Martin, and N. Hammerschlag. In prep. Predator-prey interactions between White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) and Cape Fur Seals (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) at Seal Island, South Africa. [slated for Copeia]
Hammerschlag, N., R.A. Martin, and C. Fallows. In prep. Environmental factors affecting White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) predatory frequency and success at Seal Island, South Africa. [slated for Environmental Biology of Fishes]
Martin, R.A., and J.R. Treberg. In prep. Biology of deep-sea sharks: a review. Environmental Biology of Fishes.
Martin, R.A. In prep. First report of agonistic display in Hexanchus griseus, a squlomorph shark, with comments on conservation of display elements across phyletic lines. [slated for Canadian Journal of Zoology]
Martin, R.A. In prep. What do White Sharks eat? [A critical analysis of WS diet, demonstrating this species is not a marine mammal specialist but a broad-spectrum opportunist employing numbers maximisation rather than energy maximisation as its OFS]. Slated for “Ghoti” Section of Fish Biology and Fisheries, invited by Dr. Tony Pitcher, Director of UBC Fisheries Centre.
Martin, R.A., and N. Hammerschlag. In prep. Agonistic display in the Galapagos Shark (Carcharhinus galapagensis), with comments on agonistic displays in other carcharhinid sharks [slated for Marine and Freshwater Research]
Martin, R.A., N. Hammerschlag, K. Rossmo, and . In prep. Application of Geographic Profiling to the study of White Shark predatory behaviour at Seal Island, South Africa [slated for Nature.]
Martin, R.A., K. Hodgson, G. Gurman, N. Hammerschlag, and C. Fallows. In prep. Short- and long-term identification of individual White Sharks at Seal Island, South Africa, based on pigmentation and scarification patterns, with comments on philopatry, residence times, and predatory success of individuals. [slated for Marine Biology]
Martin, R.A., N. Hammerschlag, K. Hodgson, and C. Fallows. in prep. Attacks on seabirds by White Sharks at Seal Island, South Africa: mistaken identity, investigation, or play? [slated for South African Journal of Marine Science]
Treberg, J, and R.A. Martin. In prep. Invited Commentary: the uncharted depths of deep-sea elasmobranch physiology. Journal of Experimental Biology.
Symposium Volumes
Martin, R.A. and D. McKinlay (eds.) 2002. Biology of Deep-Sea Elasmobranchs. International Congress on the Biology of Fish, University of British Columbia, Canada.
Martin, R.A. and D. McKinlay (eds.) 2004. Biology and Conservation of Freshwater Elasmobranchs. International Congress on the Biology of Fish, University of British Columbia, Canada.
Books in Preparation
Martin, R.A. In prep. Evolutionary Biology of Elasmobranch Fishes. [Textbook to accompany "Biology of Sharks and Rays", taught through Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center]
Martin, R.A. In prep. Behaviour of Sharks: Diversity and Patterns. for Cambridge University Press.
Abstracts of Conference Presentations
Martin, R.A, N. Hammerschlag, & C. Fallows. 2004. Overview of White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) Research at Seal Island, South Africa. Presented at VII European Elasmobranch Association Meetings, London, England, October 2004
Martin, R.A. 2005. Behavioural Ecology of Whale Sharks (Rhincodon typus): Research Opportunities and Implications for Ecotourism Management. Presented at the International Whale Shark Conference, Perth, Australia, May 2005
Martin, R.A. 2005. Phylogeny of Extant Elasmobranchs: Conflicting Methodologies and Interpretations. Presented at VII Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2005